Packaging News

These birds are choking on a plastic ocean –

The Midway Atoll is a depository for tons of ocean plastic each year.  This is bad news for the Laysan albatross which nests here. This story is part of CNN’s “Vanishing” series. Learn more about the sixth extinction and get involved. Midway Atoll (CNN)| Shock, combined with a little wonder at the unnatural. That’s how I […]

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Packaging News, Plastic Pollution and Bans

San Francisco: Foam Products Banned in the City |

This is why Nature-Pack has developed biodegradable containers for the food and shipping industries. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously voted to outlaw a host of commonly used foam products, in a move hailed as the nation’s most extensive such ban. The ban applies to polystyrene food packaging, packing peanuts, to-go containers, […]

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Packaging News, Plastic Pollution and Bans

French decree supports biobased and home-compostable bags – European Bioplastics

The war on single-use plastic bags continues in France. French decree supports biobased and home-compostable bags. No single-use plastic bags at cash registers as of 1 July 2016 Berlin, 11 February 2016. European Bioplastics (EUBP), the association representing the bioplastics industry in Europe, welcomes the new wording of the French implementation decree on single-use plastic bags, […]

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