Yet another EPS ban has been proposed due to the impossible nature for this abundant substance to be safely recycled or disposed of, causing our landfills to overflow.
New York City is taking another run at expanded polystyrene food service packaging with a new ban slated to take hold later this year.
The city Department of Sanitation is out with another determination that food service EPS
“cannot be recycled in a manner that is economically feasible or environmentally effective for New York City,” according to a new report.
But an opponent of a ban, Michael Westerfield, corporate director of recycling programs at Dart Container Corp., questioned the move.
“In the words of a great New Yorker Yogi Berra, ‘It’s déjà vu all over again’ as the New York Department of Sanitation (DSNY) has again issued a baffling declaration determining that Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam cannot be recycled,” he wrote in an email.
He said the latest move is “in direct conflict with both fact and a 2015 NY Supreme Court ruling striking down” a previous city ban on food service EPS.
Full Article Source: Plastics News